

wit and wisdom from the world´s greatest investor

Janet Lowe

Vydalo: John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 1997

Stav:  veľmi dobrý

Jazyk:  angličtina

Vydanie:  1.

Strán:  192

ISBN:  0-471-16996-X



Krátky popis:

Warren Buffett is a man with billions of dollars and immeasurable common sense. A captivating public persona, Buffett commands respect and has earned the right to be heard. In this intriguing collection of "life's little secrets", financial writer Janet Lowe has put together a number of Buffett's writings and sayings so that people can read, enjoy, and appreciate his business smarts and wry midwestern wit.More than just a look at Warren Buffett's business savvy, this book takes you into his philosophies, his views on life, and his legendary sense of humor. Lowe has compiled this collection from articles, speeches, interviews, and previously unpublished material -- coming as close as possible to capturing Buffett's thoughts without having him write the book himself.

Warren Buffet Speaks on such diverse subjects as investing, running a business, honesty, school teaching, paying taxes, and much more. Get an understanding of this financial genius's wildly profitable philosophy and his unique and refreshing views on life.

Read about his formula for success: common sense, hard work, and a surprising tendency to keep things simple. It's all here in this wonderful collection of the words of Warren Buffett.

-- Culled from many of Warren Buffett's own writings and speeches

-- Quotations can be viewed as "clues" for the perceptive reader to use in discovering keys to Buffett's unprecedented success

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