Michael Glenny

Vydalo: Faber and Faber, London, 1991

Stav:  dobrý

Jazyk:  angličtina

Vydanie:  1.

Strán:  476

ISBN:  0-571-16130-8



Krátky popis:

This book is the product of many years research and interviewing. Michael Glenny travelled throughout the world to track down the eyewitness accounts reproduced here of the 1905 Revolution, the 1917 Revolution, and life in Soviet Russia in the time of Lenin and Stalin. The stories told here are the stories of those who left, emigres fleeing from Bolshevism, Stalinism and most recently, anti-Jewish discrimination. The book is both a picture of a world that has been lost and an account of the lives of some of the centuries most famous refugees.

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